SO, I've come to the conclusion that since it's winter up here, I won't be seeing many bloggables for a while now; fear not though, the supply of old, odd, and interesting cars does not have to end!
Growing up in Kansas, I was always immune to the idea of old cars being rare; even in my younger days, it wasn't all that rare to see a 40 year old car roaming the streets. But that was then. If I could have taken pictures of the 1950s and 1960s cars I saw growing up, I probably would have. Sadly enough, as I got older, the cars did too. Slowly, the 1950s and 1960s iron began dissappearing. Gone were the Falcons and Galaxies of my youth. The new "old Ford" is likely an LTD, pictured here. That's not a bad thing by any means. I realize these aren't quite a Ford "favorite" and they're certainly not my favorite by any stretch. However, I do feel that this old boat was worth shooting for two main reasons; its proximity to my dad's house, and the fact that it's one of the few cars I see daily that hasn't succumbed to ugly-hubcap-syndrome.
I usually glance over these big things mainly because I don't really find them attractive. This one, however, is one of the nicer examples of this generation I've seen, but as one can plainly see, it's far from pristine. The paint is extremely shot, but it probably needs only a few hard hours to "buff out." ; the trim and badges are all present, and like the paint, they too, just need a bit of polish to made like new again. Same goes for the hubcaps, too, surprisingly. I will give the owner credit for keeping this one is relatively great shape, especially considering the age. However, more credit can be given to Kansas' lack of salt in the winter time, and relatively non-nasty weather compared to Minnesota.
I don't really like this car, nor do I like the LTD line much in general, but I figured these are slowly disappearing forever; I can't remember the last time I saw one up in Minnesota.
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