Sunday, May 20, 2012

Colin's Toybox: Hot Wheels Porsche 928

As a 928 enthusiast, Hot Wheels had the bases covered for me; when I was little, I had a bunch of a casting called "The Predator" or some such if I remember correctly. As I got older, the name was changed to "Porsche 928", and throughout my years, I had numerous castings. My favorite was probably the aqua/green one that was in the Porsche 5 pack. I had a bunch of them, but somehow they all went missing. My next favorite, and I am not sure where this casting originated, is the white one pictured here. I do like the simple Hot Wheel 5 spokes, but thought this casting needed a proper dose of European flair. So did Hot Wheels, apparently. Out with the 5 spokes, and on with the BBS-replicas.
The color and wheels suit this car extremely well. Again, like the Camaro from last week, my biggest gripe here is with the wheel size. If just toned down one notch, this casting would look worlds better. As it sits, though, I'm not complaining. It's nice that Hot Wheels took the time and effort to replicate a car that doesn't exactly have a cult status among Porsche aficionados. As a 928 enthusiast, I respect Mattel's efforts to replicate my childhood dream car. I just wish they didn't skimp on the interior. For $.99 though, we can't have everything can we?

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