Sunday, March 18, 2012

Colin's Toybox: Hot Wheels Z Cars

For years, Nissan's Z-Cars have been some of my favorite cars--ever. When I was younger, I had a variety of Hot Wheels' replica of these things. Blue with purple graphics, maroon with yellow trim, this purple one (in horrible condition), and I had no shortage of the Z30 and S30 cars either. Sadly, the only Z31 I can remember having as a child was a craptacular purple one with kanji on the side. Did Hot Wheels predict the coming "ricer" fad?
Either way, the Z-car was not quite a Hot Wheels favorite-- the S30 has since been retired, only to be replaced with a new casting, and both the Z31 and Z32 cars died quietly with no funeral. I know these aren't the best diecast Zs out there, but they remind me greatly of my childhood. I have since collected a bit more, and hope to one day to a full family photoshoot of all my Hot Wheels Zs. Someday..

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