Sunday, March 25, 2012

Colin's Toybox: Hot Wheels Volkswagen Brasilia and Volkswagen Thing

Here are some more cars from my rather large Hot Wheels stash; as readers know, I have a seemingly endless supply of Hot Wheels cars, and as of late, I've begun focusing my collection on real cars in realistic, non-garish colors. When I returned from my hiatus of collecting, I was eager to snap up all I could; problem was, Hot Wheels were few and far between, even at the "big box" retail stores, such as Target and Wal*Mart. Around 2000 or so, I began to not the resurgence of decent Hot Wheels, not in only the cars they churned out, but the color combinations in which those cars were available.
I have always been somewhat of a closet VW fan; the problem is, there's way too many Beetle replicas for me to sift through, and to be honest, most of them look like absolute garbage. As an enthusiast, I wanted-- more like needed-- more choices. That's where Hot Wheels comes in. The VW Brasilia and Thing are just two of the many new Hot Wheels that are actually awesome, both from far away, and up close. I've been wanting decent VWs for years, and all the sudden, it seems like Hot Wheels has delivered.
And they have. Gone are the tacky decals that adorned their earlier models (and now, sadly, have made an unfortunate return), and in their place are decent semi-realistic paint colors. Combine this with a nice wheel size (and choice), and these two mark some of the best $1 VWs on the market. The Thing has been released in other cars, and I'm not quite sure if I have more in my collection. The Brasilia, too, has other colors waiting for me. Unlike the Thing, the Brasilia has been a recent victim of Hot Wheels' new "tampo everything" strategy.
These versions, though, represent the epitome of the enthusiast' catered Hot Wheels at its best. If you don't have these, and you're a VW nut, get them while you can. You will not be disappointed.

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