Monday, August 29, 2011

Minneapolis Street Sighting: Oldsmobile Delta 88 coupe

Like a scant few of my blog sightings, this car goes back a bit for me. I first spotted this car a couple falls ago and since the owner was nearby, I shot a quick profile. Fast forward a few seasons, and as luck would have it, I stumbled upon this car in a rather iffy part of town. Go figure.
As with most examples of 1970s vehicles, this particular is sporting a rather healthy dose of wear and tear; on most cars, this level of rash would make me cringe, but here I think it works. It gives off a "don't you dare" vibe, as if this big coupe was saying "you better not even As it is, this Oldsmobile looks quite evil, and ready to eat up (and spit out) anything and everything in its past. If a "Christine"-type movie was shot and based in Minneapolis, I'm pretty sure this car would be the sole star.

1 comment:

Art Tidesco said...

A genuinely evil momma !

Love the imitation knock off hub nuts :-)