Friday, July 30, 2010

Minneapolis Street Sighting: Buick Riviera

Okay, so I've been on a Buick spree sort of. I apologize; Buicks are the most common "classic car" here in Minnesota, tying with Cadillac. I used to see Rivieras of this vintage all the time. Not anymore, sadly. Most of the ones I see are rotten to hell, and if they're not beat up, they're most likely blinged.
Thankfully, this beautiful example was neither. Despite the semi-tacky pinstriping and white vinyl top, the car appeared showroom fresh. Heck, I didn't even see any evidence of body repairs, let alone rust or bondo. All the chrome was meticulously shiny, including the impossible-to-keep-clean wire hubcaps. Amazing, I say. Even the interior was gorgeous. I would have tried to get some interior shots, but the owner was rather annoyed with my picture taking. He came outside and demanded that I delete the pictures because I looked like "One of those boys 'at maht take it from meh, yknow?" Sure, old fogey redneck, I'm gonna steal your car.
Ya know, if I was gonna steal his car, why would I be riding a bike, carrying a camera, but not have any lock-pick tools? Oh yeah, because I'm part of the "new generation", therefore I cannot possibly like a car without stealing it/wrecking it. Idiots. To think that I'm one of a handful of kids today that even knows anything about cars, yet cares enough to document classics is quite saddening really.

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