Thursday, May 27, 2010

Automotive Poetry Part III

Ugly, often overlooked, and loved by a feeble few
Left out to rot, out to die in the withered pains with no protection
No love, no care, not a shred of affection was give to me as a child
The media looked down on me, announced I was a danger
I had anger problems, they said.
I would never amount to shit, they said
But my parent's didn't listen.
Instead they blessed me with brothers and sisters
Ugliness runs in the family, they said
"Good lord, who could love these ugly babies?"
It was almost a chant, but words don't die.
Instead, they fill me inside, making me sadder and sadder.
"I wanna die", I would scream at night, hoping someone would love me
Someone would care, someone would adopt me, someone would give thier support

But I know what being ugly feels like.
Face it, I've lived with this, for so long, I can't escape it
It's part of me that will not die, no matter my age.
And I know what being a midget feels like, trust me.
I've been made fun of by others,
Ridiculed by Bill, hated on by Lee, laughed at by some Japanese guy
Whose name I forget, but still.
Chastised by my own country, my own government, and it hurts
I think my mom and dad took note.
I was killed at age 10, and I think it was my parents doing
At least I lived longer than my brother, who I never really got to know.
But I will say one thing, though.
I appreciate everyone who lets my legacy live on.
I love you, I need you, I want you.
How come you couldn't have been there when I was born.

To feed me, love me, hug me, kiss me.
Oh that's right. I'm ugly. And that's all I will ever be.


Ford Pinto

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