Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Minneapolis Street Sightings

I was biking down Lagoon Ave, just past the oh-so-lovely McDonalds when out of the corner of my eye, I saw the famous profile of a 4 dr convertible. I got closer, and sure enough, it was. I found this clean example of what I think is the best Continental ever made. The 1961-1964 Continental, aside from looking classy in any color, is and always has been one of my favorite cars. Ever. When I made sure timing was right, out came the trusty Kodak Z885, and the snapping began.

I'll let the pictures do the talking. (yes, the whole pictures are there, just right click them)

what an awesome trunk and interior if I say so.

what are staring at? Huh?

With this fine 45 year old piece of Detroit Iron as my starting point, get ready for more.. classics, exotics, and whatever my Kodak Z885 can successfully pick up :-)

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