Saturday, February 25, 2012

Minneapolis Street Sighting: Morgan

Rounding out my week is this awesome Morgan; to be quite frank, I first guessed this as an MG or something of that nature; this comes from my archives, from a time when I barely fathomed that I would be able to see a Morgan in the wild, let alone see one so close to home. Back in the early days of shooting, I knew practically nothing about foreign cars; I focused on "oooh that's awesome" versus "man.. that's sweet. great photo material right here" and as such, my pictures were emphasizing quantity over quality. Lots and lots of pictures, yes, but they were terrible pictures. I used to take maybe... 4 or 5 pictures per car, and come home with 10 or 20 cars. And this exquisite little Morgan is proof; I knew nothing about framing a good picture, I cared extremely little about even getting the whole car in the frame, and I took all of about three minutes to shoot this thing.
When I shot this, I was like "whoa" and did a double take and damn near crashed my bike; I quickly stopped, hopped off, and did an extremely quick shoot. I kind of regret posting these haphazard pictures, especially since now this little guy is a daily sighting here, even in the winter. But hey; it's proof that even when I knew jack shit about classic British cars, I knew a good spot when it appeared in front of my eyes.
For those who don't know what makes the Morgan special.. it's got a wood frame, so if termites existed in Minnesota, this thing would likely be toast by now:P. Wait, no, it would have to rust first, exposing the wood frame. Clearly, this example isn't in too bad of shape, and that's evident by its daily-driver status. Yes, a Morgan of any sort is a fairly rare bird, especially in the US, but there's no better way to show a sports car you love than to drive it. And that the owner does; yes, it's earned its share of Minneapolis dirt, and it's no doubt been the cause of many a yuppy honking in a traffic jam, but it's clear the owner babies his Moggy. To be honest, I kind of wish I knew more about it when I shot these, instead of merely grabbing my cheapass camera and clicking away; but hey, it was a learning experience for me--and seeing this British hero on a daily basis makes that learning experience all the worthwhile. I only hope I can see more like this, now that I know what they are.

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