Usually, I refrain from posting modern vehicles, but honestly the VW Golfs around here are rapidly dissappearing for some reason. Rust is a huge problem on these cars, but it seems as if the only way this generation is kept in good condition is if its owned by a VW "tuner" so to speak.
Although this particular example is festooned with various decals, and it has an odd aftermarket fenders, there's nothing that couldn't be reversed once the VW trend dies down. I do like the paint choice (yes, I realize white is pretty nondescript color), and the green wheels aren't to everyone's taste. I realize that. I don't care. I know I'm in the minority here, but I honestly don't get why people are so averse to the whole VW/Audi/Euro scene. Sure, their cars may be labeled "rice", but VW enthusiasts who follow the whole stance theme aren't trying to make their cars fast.
I will say that that RK (RiceKiller) decals on this example throw me off for a bit. RK is the single douchiest car forum I've ever had the displeasure of visiting. They not only condone street racing, they condone destroying/defacing cars and property which they find inferior to their own. While I don't know the owner of this car, it wouldn't surprise me if he only modded his proud little econobox to "be cool".
In the end, I would sport this example, though I'd do so after the window decals are removed and the front fenders were replaced with stock units. As it sits, it's just another example of the whole "bright wheels" trend that's slowly becoming the new rice.
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