Thursday, July 7, 2011

Minneapolis Street Sighting: Buick LeSabre Custom convertible

While out looking for cars, I always tend to go out looking for something, and come back with something completely unexpected-- as is the case here. I set out down Lake Street (like I usually do) with the intention of heading down past 22nd and 23rd Ave and into the Eastern part of the city. As I approached the Super America, my eyes drifted over to what I assumed was going to be another "donk". Nope; it wasn't.
I looked over in amazement; I don't think I've ever seen a cleaner LeSabre. Ever. Damn. This thing was absolutely mint-- everything from the lustrous paint, to the extremely well-kept red interior. Not very often do I see time capsule cars roaming the streets of the Twin Cities. I scoped out every square spec of this beast, carefully checking for bondo or rust. Nope, nothing. Not an ounce of wear or tear to be had.
Unfortunately, as I was shooting, a semi driver decided that he would park his rig infront of my subject, thus hindering the photoshoot. Pity. While I didn't get as great of pictures as I'd like, I still had immense fun shooting this. Here's hoping this big GM convertible stays in its current condition, and doesn't become a donk.

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