Monday, February 16, 2009

Minneapolis Street Sightings: Austin Healey 3000

Now, this is a sighting. I can't recall ever seeing one of these up close before, much less in this condition. The red roadster was immaculate; the paint was spot on, the chrome was great, the wire wheels were the correct style for the vehicle, and best of all, the owner had the decency to cover the interior when it was raining. Unlike other vehicles in this series, I haven't seen beater versions of this and held out for a nice example. I flat out haven't seen one. Ever. Since I spotted this back in the fall, I've seen it a few more times. While I do have pride in the shots I got of it then, I'd kill for better close up shots and less cluttered pics. In fact, I'd kill to have an Austin Healey in my personal collection. Make mine white with a brown interior, please.

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