For some reason, I've been seeing a lot of older GMs lately. First, it was the spree of clean Cadillacs, then I saw about 4 or 5 older Vettes (all at dealer lots unfortunately), and now for some reason, Oldsmobiles are popping up out of nowhere. I've seen a few Cutlass Supremes (A Bodys and a few Gs), and now I spotted this semi-clean Delta 88. The car had all the marks of a true daily driver: faded, but original paint, all 4 hubcaps, and seats that certainly had over 30 years of wear and tear. But, not one ounce of rust was to be found. The Delta 88 was the biggest car in Oldsmobile's lineup, and it certainly is a biggun. In the old days of huge cars, cheap gas, it was common for passenger cars to be bigger than trucks, and this huge Olds is proof. Coming it at more the 19 feet long, the Delta is longer and wider than a contemporary Suburban. Not that I mind that at all, because I certainly don't. Big cars with bigger engines rule. Even with a 190 hp Pontiac sourced 400, many performance parts can be had. With the huge Oldsmobile, however, I am worried about its fate after the current owner. Cars like the this are prime picking for demolition derby, and that's a fate worse being totaled in a wreck.