Usually, this space is for covering vintage or interesting vehicles I've seen on my bike rides around the City of Lakes. Today, though, I thought I'd add a little twist. The truck you see here wasn't spotted anywhere near my home-- it was seen resting along a desolate stretch of two-lane Northern Minnesota blacktop. While this classic Chevy may be far from an easy restoration, for the most part, it is all there. Granted a majority of the chrome and trim are gone, but honestly what do you expect from a truck sitting outside for the better part of 40 years?
A major bonus for this truck, though, is that this part of the state doesn't use much salt. That probably explains why the truck is such remarkable condition-- especially for one that's been sitting outside for as long as this one has.
I don't know what to write, as far as opinions go regarding this particular truck. To be honest, I'm not really a fan of '50s trucks in general, and the styling is rather, dare I say generic? I mean, yes, it does look cool, but I would much rather have a Dodge of the same era. As far as the idea of abandoned vehicles go, I would love to feature more-- the main caveat is they're not quite that easy to come by.
Like you I'd prefer a Dodge or maybe a Chevy Advanced Design but if I was on your side of the pond I might just be tempted to try a mechanical restoration on this one and if as you say that part of the world has no salt on the roads I might also be tempted to leave the original patina on the body work.
I'm looking for royalty photos of derelict (preferably American) cars/trucks for our next album cover that I'm building in photoshop - can you help? I'd love to use a part of the front view of that chevy! I’ll award free CDs and credits to all donations that I use of course!
Work in progress can be seen here - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=718301103
Many thanks,
1956 Chevrolet 3200 pickup truck
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