Sunday, September 19, 2010

Minneapolis Street Sighting: Opel GT

Most of the European cars I see here are of the VW/BMW/Mercedes variety; I hardly ever see obscure Euro cars outside of shows, so this sexy lil Opel GT was a surprise for me! The deep green paint is simply stunning! Not only does the color itself look amazing, the application on the tiny GT is excellent!; it brings out the lines of this thing PERFECTLY! The factory wheels are in immpecable here, and unlike most applications, I would not replace these little gems.
As with the exterior, the interior was also in good shape. Although it's not luxurious, it gets the job done. If you wanted luxury in this time period, you bought a Mercedes SL roadster. If you wanted roadster you got a TR6, and if you desired a muscle car, you bought, well.. a Corvette. Like the Corvette it resembles, this car is, too, a sporting vehicle.
Unlike brute power, and wide tires, the Opel GT gives the driver joy in its lightweight and tossability factor, a powerhouse it is not. Like the Corvette, though, the little GT does have a following here. Its following is much smaller than the 'vette for obvious reasons. Can you count on two hands how many Opel GTs you see on a daily basis? Exactly. Try the same with Corvettes, and it's an entirely different story.
With this car, I'd leave it as is. I love it! I'd have one of these, in this exact color to boot. Park it next to my BRG TR6, please, thanks!

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