Saturday, June 25, 2011

Minneapolis Street Sighting: Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme

I know this "sighting" is kinda lame.. but I rather like this car; yes, I realize I have lambasted "donks" and "hi-risers" to no end on more, but if they're done well and not a gaudy trash-heap, I don't mind them as much; case in point here. Take a clean Cutlass, put some nice wheels on it, and don't lift it very much. I like the stock paint, stock interior, and not hacked to hell bodywork. The wheels, too, are pretty nice, IMO; just your basic 22" IROCs with a mild lift. While I dig the wheels on this example, I would how it would look with a set of Forgiatos are maybe Asantis.. hmmmm.. could possibly look even better than this thing... Maybe..


Laurson said...

i like your comments on this old is this cutlass?

Jay Wollenweber said...

It's a late one, 1987-1988. Since the badging doesn't say "Cutlass Supreme Classic" I'd guess it's an '87.

Art Tidesco said...

That's an absolutely bonkers set of wheels, great find thanks for sharing :-)